Painting could be your hobby or profession. You are someone who is – like most of us – trying to improve your skills and maybe learn new techniques. You don’t have to show your work to anyone to join. The subscription to join us from September 2023 will be £130 payable from 1 September 2023. This covers a full year's membership. Summer painting sessions cost an additional £5.00 per session, payable on the day by those participating.
For membership and general enquiries, please contact Barbara on:- 01892 610529
or email:- cragchair@gmail.com
We are a small friendly group of local artists. Popularly known as CRAG (Crowborough & Rotherfield Art Group) we are the oldest Art Group in Crowborough. Founded in 1954, we have been meeting on a regular basis ever since, currently every Friday morning throughout the year, but with a break during May, Christmas and New Year periods.
Due to space restrictions, our membership is capped at around 40 but we currently have a small number of vacancies for people wishing to join us. We look for new members who enjoy painting, who want to improve their techniques and are willing and able to help with events like our annual exhibition. We meet in Rotherfield during Autumn and Spring and in Crowborough during the Summer. We fund our activities by an annual subscription.
All CRAG activities are organised by volunteers from within the membership and there is a Committee managing the Group’s expenditure and programme.
Starting from late September through to the end of April we meet on Friday mornings between 9.30 and 1.00 pm at the Rotherfield Village Hall for what we call ‘Studio’ sessions. These sessions include an organised programme of invited professional artists/tutors demonstrating how they paint and talking about their techniques. We usually follow these with workshops and/or free-painting sessions where we try out those techniques with some coaching from the tutor. Participation is optional and members are free to work on their own projects or in their own media – there is plenty of flexibility. Please see the Programme page for more details.
Group members are expected to help set up the Rotherfield Hall with tables and chairs and to help clear it all away at the end of each session.
During June through to mid-August, our Summer Painting sessions meet in the Crowborough Community Centre. These are informal sessions where we meet and work on our own drawing and painting. Please drop in to see us if you would like to take part or wish to know more about joining our group.
You can find some photographs from our past exhibitions in the "News and Events" page.